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Jon Spencer – Dome 15

Greetings from Planet Spencer! Mark Brandon and I lived in Dome #15 for the first year of dome life. We…

Joan & Dan Goff – Dome 9

Joan & Dan Goff  Let’s see… finished school, got a bachelor’s in philosophy, went to USC and got a master’s…

Harriet & Ellery Sorkin

AFTER LEAVING DOME UTOPIA – 1973 Hare and I removed the back seat from our Buick Special, installed a sleeping platform…

Annie Nicksic & Lynn Marchand

    Lynn Marchand and Annie Nicksic with beautiful, wide Eel River the background. The Dome Reunion sparked romance continues…

Clay and Brooke Brandow

After the Co-op, I helped build the Domes (Baggins End) on campus in the summer of 1972, along with Mike…

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